Empathy house is a ten-bed residential empowerment program that has been celebrating the success of helping women in recovery since 1978. We provide a safe, women-centered, evidence-based, trauma informed, individualized treatment program where the primary problem is substance addiction.

Our goal: to help women develop their potential in living independent and satisfying lives without the use of alcohol and other drugs.

Our residence has an atmosphere conducive to recovery and reintegration, in a home like, community-based milieu that encourages improved personal growth and social development. The groups are held in the dining room, living room and various locations for leisure activities.

We treat women, 18 years and older, who are addicted to drugs and/or alcohol, have a history of sexual, physical and emotional abuse, have a concurrent disorder, may be homeless, have behavioural and cognitive disorders, are unemployable, possess inadequate social support, limited life skills, are relapse prone and may have conflict with the law.

The disease of addiction knows no boundaries. These women come from a variety of backgrounds such as homeless women, government workers, sex trade workers, university students and business owners.

We regularly help women you know; friends, mothers, daughters, sisters, and grandmothers.