Empathy House is a non-profit organization registered under the Charitable Institutions Act. All donations are tax deductible.

Our main funding source is the Provincial Government, Ontario Health.

A substantial percentage of our operating funds must be raised through community donations such as United Way Work Campaigns, grants and individual donations.

Empathy House of Recovery has been providing high quality addiction service to marginalized, high-risk women since 1978.

The women who arrive at Empathy House are women who have experienced severe abuse and trauma. Many have histories of abuse, living in poverty and/or are homeless. They come to us with broken bodies and spirits and are seeking well-being and an improved quality of life.

Your gift will contribute in the work of helping women live healthy, productive and satisfying lives!

Once again, thank you for your kindness and honouring women less fortunate with this donation.

You may send a cheque to our mailing address or donate online via Canada Helps:

Empathy House
360 Sunnyside Ave.
Ottawa, Ontario K1S 0S4
Registered Charitable Organization: 118899624RR0001

Make an Online Donation